Time to unplug

When packing up lunches to go to the beach for a picnic, I asked the girls what they wanted me to pack.  The Mother Hen and The Show decided on turkey sandwiches. 

The Tyrant hands me a package of Cup O’ Noodles.  (In case you have never been a single person in your entire life…  here is a visual reference.)


WickedStepMom: Honey, we are going to the beach, I have no way to cook ramen noodles.

The Tyrant: But it only needs a microwave!!

I think it may be time to unplug a bit and step back from technology…


Posted On September 9, 2009

Filed under Awards

Comments Dropped 3 responses

A big thank you goes to Maureen at IslandRoar.  It was a nice surprise for me on Monday.  The hardest part for me was coming up with five obsessions….

1. Coffee – I think it will always hold a special place in my heart because my mom and I use to drink coffee together on cold winter afternoons.  The smell makes me feel like I am safe and warm.

2. E-mail – I am a total junkie.  A 12 step program will not help me.

3. Writing – Even when I am not working on my blog, I still love writing.  It helps to keep me centered.

4. Cooking – I love cooking up some good food and having people I care about around to eat it.  But, I will cook even if no one can eat it.  I am strange like that.  The girls always say that they know when I am home because the whole house smells like food.

5. The Tribe – I admit I obsess about the Tribe.  I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but its what I do.  I think that the obsessing keeps us all together and going strong.

And now, it is time to award this award to others!

1. Sprite’s Keeper

2. The UnMom

3. Half as Good as You

4. Riding the Short Bus

5. Us and Them

I think Maureen is fabulous too.  I just didn’t want to cheat and do tag backs.  I hope she forgives me!!

Random Tuesday Thoughts: School’s In Session

It’s Tuesday, but I am thinking its Monday.  Which is completely screwing me up.  But, hopefully, I am not the only one.  Go see Keely, I need more coffee.

The Tyrant has a love for pink, that I find completely disturbing.  She has all pink school supplies.  Hot pink if we could find it, but regular pink was okay too.  At the family Labor Day picnic, she wore pink from head to toe.  So, I wore my Emily Strange t-shirt.  This was the logo:

My father laughed until he cried.  I must admit though, I enjoy finding pink things for her so that I can hear her squeak in appreciation.  She cried when she grew out of the pink camo pants I bought for her.  So, while I still hate to wear pink, I do appreciate it on some level now.

The Show was not looking forward to school.  Even though she did really well last year she traditionally struggled in school.  I am hoping that after last year, when she really shined that she will have a great year this year.  Keep your fingers crossed.

The Mother Hen has to start a new school this year.  She is scared but I know she can make it through it.  She has more courage than she will ever know.

I have been having a lot of asthma issues lately.  Turns out I have a wicked sinus infection, which was draining into my lungs. Its like going back to school for me all over again.  Except without the homework…  But other than that, being sick is kind of par for the course.  Ragweed hates me.

The on-going saga with Bear’s tooth and dry socket is making back to school even more interesting.  Pain while school clothes shopping with three girls can’t be fun.  Shopping for the girls’ clothes is usually a lesson in excruciating pain for Bear.  But, with the tooth issues, it was only that much worse.  I am surprised his head didn’t explode and that his jaw didn’t fall off.

Birthdays, Ugh…

Posted On September 4, 2009

Filed under bonding time, family, The Spin Cycle

Comments Dropped 5 responses

I never really liked my birthday.  I always hating being the center of attention.  I did not want big class parties when I was in school and I didn’t want everyone to sing to me.  My parents were always great about it.  They would plan a night out for dinner and we would open our presents at home.

Now that I am a WickedStepMom, my birthday is no longer about me.  And I like it that way.  My birthday is now about 3 amazing girls sneaking around the house trying to hide what they are up to.  Its about them making me a cake, just like I do for them.  I think I prefer things this way.  Even though I am the center of attention, it is really more about teaching them how wonderful it is to do for others.


The post is brought to you by the Spin Cycle!

Spider Wrangling

Apparently, spider wrangling is just another service that I offer.

Last night, The Show came in my room almost in tears.

The Show: [WickedStepMom]!! There is a giant SPIDER in [The Mother Hen]’s room! Its going to crawl into my mouth and choke me!

I raise my eyebrows and get up. I rub the sleep from my eyes and walk into The Mother Hen’s room. A spider about the size of a quarter (including the legs) was crawling on the wall.

The Mother Hen: [WickedStepMom], don’t kill it!!

I walk out of the room and grab a cup. I come back into the room and cover the spider with the cup. When he crawls into it, I cover it with paper and carry the cup downstairs so I can kick him out.

The Show: Hurry, hurry!! Get it out, get it out!

WickedStepMom: [The Show], you are going to have to open the door for me.

The Show (while opening the door): Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww!

After I evicted the spider, Bear walks into the room.

Bear (while grinning): My hero…

Random Tuesday Thoughts: My feet need their own holiday

Its that time again.  Its Tuesday and you are sitting in front of your computer wondering what kind of craziness I will come up with this week, aren’t you?  I am feeling not so crazy this week.  Go see Keely, she may have some craziness for you.  Or she can atleast point you in the right direction.

*I may have mentioned at one time or anotherthat I broke my right foot.  The doctor released me, even though my foot is still technically broken.  It rarely hurts now and is healing well.  The injury can take up to 2 years to fully heal.  Earlier this week, I kicked a chair with my right foot.  I hit it hard.  Bear was in the same room and saw me go down.  He came running over and asked if I was okay.  I told him no.  So he looked at my foot and had me lean back, he grabbed my toe, which apparently was sticking out at a funky angle and pulled it straight up.  I saw stars.  I over heard him describing this to someone else.  He said it sounded like a number 2 pencil being snapped in half.  Needless to say, my toe was broken.  So, now I have a broken pinky toe and broken metatarsals on the same damn foot.  Walking is so much fun!!

*Bear had to have his wisdom tooth removed because he chipped it.  Infection was setting in.  He now has dry socket and hates all things dental.  I can’t say that I blame him.  He has been on the starvation liquid diet for over a week now.  While he is losing weight, which can be a good thing, he is way too tired and grumpy.  I will take a jolly fat guy over and grumpy skinny guy any day of the week.

*The Tyrant has taken to hiding in her closet when she is angry with someone.  I don’t think that she has figured out that this makes her sisters happy since they don’t have to listen to her yell. 

*The Mother Hen has been telling me that I will get no hugs whenever she is pretending to me mad at me.  So, if we are playing around and I tease her, she will say, “Fine, no hugs for you!”  The Show over heard it and looked at her very seriously and said, “Wow!  That is mean! Jerk..”

*Funny quote of the week “I am Wrothgar!  FEAR ME!”

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